Compared with MITK 1.0, MITK 1.1 has following new features
(1) Volume re-slice function: add class mitkVolumeResliceFilter to generate a group of new slices (a new volume) at an arbitrary position and along an arbitrary direction of a given volume; add class mitkReslicePlaneWidgetModel based on mitkClippingPlaneWidgetModel to generate the transect image interactively;
(2) A simple LoD function of volume rendering: add class mitkVolumeRendererRayCastingLoD which provides two level of rendering precision, and adjust the design of mitkManipulator to support LoD;
(3) A new volume resizing filter: mitkVolumeResizeFilter;
(4) A new volume cropping filter: mitkVolumeCropFilter;
(5) A new image smoothing filter: mitkDiffusionFilter;
(6) A new image edge detection filter based on Sobel operator: mitkSobelEdgeDetectFilter;
(7) Enhanced pseudocolor function: add class mitkPseudocolorWidgetModelEx to directly map original pixel values (including 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit integers and float point values) to RGB colors, and use mitkColorTable to set color table freely;
(8) A new multi-raw-file reader: mitkRawFilesReader;
(9) Adjust the design of mitkManipulator's interfaces: move common responding operations of different mouse messages to public functions OnMouseDown/Up/Move(), and place particular operations of derived classes to the protected virtual functions _onMouseDown/Up/Move(). So users who implement their own manipulators which are derived from mitkManipulator must change the name of functions OnMouseDown/Up/Move() to _onMouseDown/Up/Move() and place them in protected functions, if they want to move their derived class to MITK 1.1;
(10) Fix some bugs found in MITK 1.0;
(11) Add a complex demo example (Examples/Demo), an enhanced image browser example (Examples/ImageBrowserEx), a enhanced surface reconstruction example(Examples/SurfaceReconEx2) and a simple volume rendering example (Examples/VolRen).