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00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   3DMed
00004   Date:      $Date: 2014-02-25 18:30:00 +0800 $
00005   Version:   $Version: 4.6.0 $
00006   Copyright: MIPG, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
00008 =========================================================================*/
00010 #ifndef _mitkVis2Vector2_h
00011 #define _mitkVis2Vector2_h
00013 #include "mitkVisualization2Includes.h"
00015 #include <math.h>
00017 class MITK_VISUALIZATION2_API mitkVis2Vector2
00018 {
00019 public:
00020     float ele[2];
00021     mitkVis2Vector2();  
00022     mitkVis2Vector2(const mitkVis2Vector2 &v);
00023     mitkVis2Vector2(float x, float y);
00024     mitkVis2Vector2(float srcVector[2]);
00025     operator float* () { return ele; }  
00026     operator const float* () const { return ele; }
00028     mitkVis2Vector2& operator = (const mitkVis2Vector2 &a)
00029     {
00030         ele[0] = a.ele[0];
00031         ele[1] = a.ele[1];
00032         return *this; 
00033     }
00034     mitkVis2Vector2& operator *= (float);
00035     mitkVis2Vector2& operator += (const mitkVis2Vector2 &);
00036     mitkVis2Vector2& operator -= (const mitkVis2Vector2 &);
00038     void Normalize();
00039     float Length();
00040 };
00042 inline float operator * (const mitkVis2Vector2& A, const mitkVis2Vector2& B) 
00043 {
00044     return A.ele[0]*B.ele[0] + A.ele[1]*B.ele[1];
00045 }
00046 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00047 inline mitkVis2Vector2 operator * (const mitkVis2Vector2 &V, float s) 
00048 {
00049     mitkVis2Vector2 Res;
00050     Res.ele[0] = V.ele[0] * s;
00051     Res.ele[1] = V.ele[1] * s;
00052     return Res;
00053 }
00054 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00055 inline mitkVis2Vector2 operator * (float s, const mitkVis2Vector2 &V) 
00056 {
00057     mitkVis2Vector2 Res;
00058     Res.ele[0] = V.ele[0] * s;
00059     Res.ele[1] = V.ele[1] * s;
00060     return Res;
00061 }
00062 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00063 inline mitkVis2Vector2& mitkVis2Vector2::operator *= (float s) 
00064 {
00065     ele[0] *= s;
00066     ele[1] *= s;
00067     return *this;
00068 }
00069 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00070 inline mitkVis2Vector2 operator + (const mitkVis2Vector2& A, const mitkVis2Vector2& B) 
00071 {
00072     mitkVis2Vector2 Res;
00073     Res.ele[0] = A.ele[0] + B.ele[0];
00074     Res.ele[1] = A.ele[1] + B.ele[1];
00075     return Res;
00076 }
00077 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00078 inline mitkVis2Vector2 operator - (const mitkVis2Vector2& A, const mitkVis2Vector2& B) 
00079 {
00080     mitkVis2Vector2 Res;
00081     Res.ele[0] = A.ele[0] - B.ele[0];
00082     Res.ele[1] = A.ele[1] - B.ele[1];
00083     return Res;
00084 }
00085 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00086 inline mitkVis2Vector2 operator - (const mitkVis2Vector2& A)
00087 {
00088     mitkVis2Vector2 Res;
00089     Res.ele[0] = - A.ele[0];
00090     Res.ele[1] = - A.ele[1];
00091     return Res;
00092 }
00093 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00094 inline mitkVis2Vector2 & mitkVis2Vector2::operator += (const mitkVis2Vector2 &B) 
00095 {
00096     ele[0] += B.ele[0];
00097     ele[1] += B.ele[1];
00098     return *this;
00099 }
00100 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00101 inline mitkVis2Vector2 & mitkVis2Vector2::operator -= (const mitkVis2Vector2 &B) 
00102 {
00103     ele[0] -= B.ele[0];
00104     ele[1] -= B.ele[1];
00105     return *this;
00106 }
00107 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00108 inline void mitkVis2Vector2::Normalize() 
00109 {
00110     float vecLenInv = 1.0f / sqrtf(ele[0]*ele[0] + ele[1]*ele[1]);
00111     ele[0] *= vecLenInv;
00112     ele[1] *= vecLenInv;
00113 }
00114 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00115 inline float mitkVis2Vector2::Length()
00116 {
00117     return sqrtf(ele[0]*ele[0] + ele[1]*ele[1] );
00118 }
00121 #endif

Generated on Tue Feb 25 15:00:37 2014 for MITK (Medical Imaging ToolKit) by  doxygen 1.4.3