#include <mitkCamera.h>
Inherits mitkObject.
Inherited by mitkSplatCamera.
Inheritance diagram for mitkCamera:
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | PrintSelf (ostream &os) |
void | GetPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z) |
void | GetPosition (float a[3]) |
void | GetFocalPoint (float &x, float &y, float &z) |
void | GetFocalPoint (float a[3]) |
float | GetThickness () |
bool | IsParallelProjection () |
void | SetProjectionToParallel () |
void | SetProjectionToPerspective () |
bool | IsModified () |
virtual void | LookAt (float eyex, float eyey, float eyez, float centerx, float centery, float centerz, float upx, float upy, float upz) |
virtual void | Ortho (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar) |
virtual void | Frustum (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar) |
virtual void | Perspective (float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar) |
void | GetViewMatrix (mitkMatrix *m) |
void | GetViewMatrix (float m[16]) |
const mitkMatrix * | GetViewMatrix () |
void | GetProjectionMatrix (mitkMatrix *m) |
void | GetProjectionMatrix (float m[16]) |
const mitkMatrix * | GetProjectionMatrix () |
void | GetInverseOfProjectionMatrix (mitkMatrix *m) |
void | GetInverseOfProjectionMatrix (float m[16]) |
const mitkMatrix * | GetInverseOfProjectionMatrix () |
void | GetInverseOfViewMatrix (mitkMatrix *m) |
void | GetInverseOfViewMatrix (float m[16]) |
const mitkMatrix * | GetInverseOfViewMatrix () |
void | WorldToCamera (const float worldPoint[4], float cameraPoint[4]) |
void | WorldToView (const float worldPoint[4], float viewPoint[4]) |
void | CameraToView (const float cameraPoint[4], float viewPoint[4]) |
void | CameraToWorld (const float cameraPoint[4], float worldPoint[4]) |
void | ViewToWorld (const float viewPoint[4], float worldPoint[4]) |
void | ViewToCamera (const float viewPoint[4], float cameraPoint[4]) |
mitkCamera is a camera in 3D scene. The only way you can access it is to get a pointer to it by using the member function GetCamera() of mitkScene. Then you can control it through its interface, and the change will affect the image rendered in the scene.
Transform a point from camera coordinate to view(NDC) coordinate. |
Transform a point from camera coordinate to world coordinate. |
Perspective Projection Reimplemented in mitkSplatCamera. |
Get the focal point of the camera in world coordinates.
Get the focal point of the camera in world coordinates.
Get the inverse of projection transform matrix. |
Get the inverse of projection transform matrix. |
Get the inverse of projection transform matrix. |
Get the inverse of viewing transform matrix. |
Get the inverse of viewing transform matrix. |
Get the inverse of viewing transform matrix. |
Get the position of the camera in world coordinates.
Get the position of the camera in world coordinates.
Get the projection transform matrix. |
Get the projection transform matrix. |
Get the projection transform matrix. |
Get the camera thickness.
Get the viewing transform matrix. |
Get the viewing transform matrix. |
Get the viewing transform matrix. |
Test whether this camera is modified.
Get the projection mode.
Set the look at point. It is equal to the glLookAt() function in OpenGL API. |
Parallel Projection |
Perspective Projection Reimplemented in mitkSplatCamera. |
Print the necessary information about this object for the debugging purpose.
Reimplemented from mitkObject. Reimplemented in mitkSplatCamera. |
Set the projection mode to parallel. |
Set the projection mode to perspective. |
Transform a point from view(NDC) coordinate to camera coordinate. |
Transform a point from view(NDC) coordinate to world coordinate. |
Transform a point from world coordinate to camera coordinate. |
Transform a point from world coordinate to view(NDC) coordinate. |