3DMed 5.0
1. The default build environment for the application is Qt5;
2. Fix the known bugs.
3DMed 4.6
In this version, we made the following changes:
1. We added a OpenCLMultiVolumeRendering plug-in for OpenCL based Multi-volume Rendering.
2. We added a BoneAnalysis plug-in for bone-density analysis
3. We added a CenterLineAnalysis plug-in for center-line extraction and visualization
4. We added a SurfaceRendering plug-in to support depth-peeling
3DMed 4.5
In this version, we made the following changes:
1. We added a OpenCL Volume Rendering plug-in for OpenCL based Volume Rendering.
2. We added two state-transition based Volume Rendering plug-ins CUDA Delta-Accumulation Volume Rendering and Multi-Layer Volume Rendering.
3. We added a CUDA Wall Carving Rendering plug-in for endoscopy volume rendering with wall-carving function.
4. We added a CUDA Wall Penetrate Rendering plug-in for endoscopy volume rendering with wall-penetrating function.
5. We added a Value Visualization plug-in for slice viewing with property value visualization.
6. We added center-line navigation support for volume rendering.