MITK 2.2.0 Key changes from 2.1

    (1) NEW mitkAnalyzeImageReader and mitkAnalyzeImageWriter: support the I/O of Analyze medical image format;

    (2) NEW mitkMetaImageReader and mitkMetaImageWriter: support the I/O of Meta medical image format;

    (3) NEW mitkNetCDFImageReader and mitkNetCDFImageWriter: support the I/O of NetCDF medical image format;

    (4) NEW mitk registration framework including support for out-of-core volume data and point set registration;

    (5) NEW mitkBSplineFreeFormTransform: provides the B-Spline based free-form deform method;

    (6) NEW mitkThinPlateSplineTransform: a concrete thansform class to perform thin-plate spline transform;

    (7) NEW mitkDeformFieldGenerator: generate the explicit deformation field resulting from non-rigid registration;

    (8) NEW mitkPointSetRegistrationFilter: represents the pairwise point sets registration framework;

    (9) NEW mitkLandmarkRegistrationFilter: provides the landmark-based image registration method;

    (10) NEW mitkThread, mitkThreadMasterWorker, mitkThreadFactory, mitkMutex, mitkSPMD, mitkConditionVariable, etc: provide the support for multi-threading;

    (11) New mitkHistogram1D, mitkHistogram2D: support 1D histogram and 2D histogram;

    (12) NEW mitkGaussianFilter: provides the Gaussian filter;

    (13) NEW mitkTransferFunction2DRGBA, mitkTF2DRGBAClassifier, mitkTF2DRGBAEllipsoidClassifier, mitkTF2DRGBAPyramidClassifier, mitkTF2DRGBARampClassifier, mitkTF2DRGBASlopeClassifier: provide RGBA2D Classifiers for volume rendering;

    (14) NEW mitkTF2DRGBAPSPSplineClassifier, provides PSP spline classifier for volume rendering;

    (15) NEW Multi-Mode image forward reconstruction framework, including classes encapsulating 3D Ultra Sound and CT forward reconstruction algorithms;

    (16) NEW mitkRawData class, the abstract class that represents original data acquired from the imaging equipments;

    (17) NEW mitkRawDataToVolumeFilter class, the abstract class that represents forward reconstruction;

    (18) NEW mitkRawDataReader, mitkRawDataWriter classes, the abstract classes that represent Reader and Writer of mitkRawData respectively;

    (19) NEW mitkTrackedBscanDataReader,mitkTrackedBscanDataWriter classes, the concrete classes that represent Reader and Writer of 3D Ultra Sound original data respectively;

    (20) NEW mitk3DUSReconstructionFilter, mitkCTReconstructionFilter classes,abstract classes that represent 3DUS and CT forward reconstruction respectively;

    (21) NEW mitk3DUSPixelBased, mitk3DUSPixelBasedMT classes, concrete classes that represent 3DUS PNN reconstruction algorithms respectively;

    (22) NEW mitkTrackedBscanData,mitkTrackedBscanICData,mitkTrackedBscanOoCData classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent 3DUS data respectively;

    (23) NEW mitkCTProjectionData class, the abstract class that represents CT Projection data;

    (24) NEW mitk2DbeamPD,mitk2DBeamICPD,mitk2DBeamICPD classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent 2D CT Projection data respectively;

    (25) NEW mitkConeBeamPD,mitkConeBeamICPD,mitkConeBeamOoCPD classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent cone beam CT Projection data respectively;

    (26) NEW mitkConeBeamRealTimePD class, the concrete class, which represents cone beam CT real-time Projection data;

    (27) NEW mitkParallelBeamReconFromCirle, mitkPBFBPReconCF classes, the abstract class and concrete class, which represent parallel beam CT reconstruction respectively;

    (28) NEW mitkFanBeamReconFromCirle, mitkFBFBPReconCF, mitkFBFBPReconCFCpu classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent fan beam CT reconstruction respectively;

    (29) NEW mitkConeBeamReconFromHelix, mitkCBFDKReconCF, mitkCBFDKReconCFCPU, mitkCBTFDKReconCF classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent Cone beam CT reconstruction respectively;

    (30) Fix bugs found in MITK 2.1.

MITK 2.1 Key changes from 2.0

    (1) NEW CT forward reconstruction framework, including classes encapsulating project data and classes encapsulating fan beam and cone beam CT reconstruction algorithms;

    (2) NEW mitkProjectData class, the abstract class that represents CT project data;

    (3) NEW mitkProjectDataToVolumeFilter class, the abstract class that represents CT reconstruction;

    (4) NEW mitkFanBeamProjectDataToVolume, mitkFbFbpSpeed, mitkFbFbpSpeedUsingGpu classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent fan beam CT reconstruction respectively;

    (5) NEW mitkConeBeamProjectDataToVolume, mitkFDK, mitkTFDK, mitkFDKSpeedUsingGPU classes, the abstract class and concrete classes, which represent fan beam CT reconstruction respectively;

    (6) NEW mitkTransferFunction2D class: provide the 2D opacity Transfer Function for volume rendering;

    (7) NEW mitkTFLevPyramid class, NEW mitkTFLevSquare class, NEW mitkLevTriangle class: map the data property (data and gradient magnitude) to opacity using some objects in a square;

    (8) NEW mitkTransferFunctionLev class: is a virtual class and the parent class of mitkTFLevPyramid , mitkTFLevSquare and mitkLevTriangle class;

    (9) Fix bugs found in MITK 2.0.

MITK 1.5 Key changes from 1.4

    (1) NEW mitkSTLReader class: provide the loading of "STL" format files;

    (2) NEW mitkGaussianFilter class: provide the Gaussian smooth filter;

    (3) NEW mitkCannyEdgeDetectFilter class: provide the Canny filter for edge detection;

    (4) NEW mitkLoGFilter class: provide the Laplacian of Gaussian filter for edge detection;

    (5) NEW mitkMeanShiftImageFilter class: provide Mean Shift algorithm for image segmentation;

    (6) NEW mitkOrthogonalImageModel class: a image model that provides the rapid and accurate 3D orthogonal slice view;

    (7) NEW mitkTransferFunction2D class: provide the 2D opacity Transfer Function for volume rendering;

    (8) NEW mitkTFLevPyramid class, NEW mitkTFLevSquare class, NEW mitkLevTriangle class: map the data property (data and gradient magnitude) to opacity using some objects in a square;

    (9) NEW mitkTransferFunctionLev class: is a virtual class and the parent class of mitkTFLevPyramid , mitkTFLevSquare and mitkLevTriangle class;

    (10) ADD a particular user manual of MITK (Examples\\DetailedManual);

    (11) ADD particular examples of MITK to show the funtion and usage of algorithm in MITK (Examples\\DetailedManual);

    (12) Fix bugs found in MITK 1.4.