MITK 2.3.4 Key changes from 2.3.3
(1) NEW mitkCUDASegmentedVRScene in Additional/mitkCUDAVolumeRendering: A 3D scene to display segmented volume datasets, implemented using CUDA.
(2) NEW mitkFullVRScene in mitkVisualization2: A 3D scene for full volume rendering, implemented using CPU Multi-threading.
(3) NEW mitkMIPVRScene in mitkVisualization2: A 3D scene for MIP volume rendering, implemented using CPU Multi-threading.
(4) NEW mitkVersionCounter in mitkCommon: A simple class for version counting of member objects, in order to decide whether an update is needed.
(5) Rearranged internal structure of the mitkVisualization2 module and the mitkCUDAVolumeRendering module. Renamed classname mitkGLSLShadedVRScene to mitkGLSLFullVRScene, mitkCUDAShadedVRScene to mitkCUDAFullVRScene.
(6) Modified the Output of the Segmentation Filters. All Segmentation Filters now generates binary masks.
MITK 2.3.3 Key changes from 2.3.2
(1) NEW mitkCUDAAugmentedSurfaceVRScene in Additional/mitkCUDAVolumeRendering: A 3D scene to display isosurfaces from volume datasets with augmented color which reflects the neighborhood density distribution.
(2) NEW mitkCUDADecomposedIsosurfaceVRScene in Additional/mitkCUDAVolumeRendering: A 3D scene to display isosurfaces from volume datasets. The dataset is first decomposed for empty test. Augmented coloring is also supported in this class. This class can handle relatively larger datasets that cannot be fitted into the graphics memory.
(3) NEW mitkWatershedSegFilter in mitkSegmentation: A volume segmentation filter using the watershed algorithm.
(4) Bugs fixed in mitkRectWidgetModel2D and some other classes.
MITK 2.3.2 Key changes from 2.3.1
(1) NEW Additional\mitkCUDAVolumeRendering module, currently contains the following scene classes for a variety of volume ray casting works.
mitkCUDAIsosurfaceVRScene: A 3D scene to display isosurfaces from volume datasets. Accelerated with the CUDA interface (developed by NVIDIA company).
mitkCUDAMIPVRScene: A 3D scene for MIP Rendering from volume datasets. Accelerated with the CUDA interface.
mitkCUDAShadedVRScene: A 3D scene for shaded semi-transparent rendering from volume datasets. Accelerated with the CUDA interface. This module is a extension based on the mitkVisualization2 module and will be further extended in the future.
(2) NEW mitkConnectivityLabelFilter in mitkSegmentation: A class that label each connected region with 1, 2, 3.....
(3) NEW mitkDICOMDIRTree in mitkCommon. A data Object class that stores the DICOMDIR structure of a data base.
(4) NEW mitkDICOMDIRReader in mitkCommon. A reader class that reads a DICOMDIR file from disk, The result is stored as mitkDICOMDIRTree.
(5) NEW mitkEuclideanDistanceTransformFilter in mitkCommon. Implements the Euclidean DT using Meijster's Linear Time Algorithm.
(6) NEW mitkEuclideanSkeletonFeatureExtraction in mitkSegmentation. Decomposes a volume based on Euclidean DT and Reverse DT and calculates some features like radius, size.
(7) NEW mitkEuclideanSkeletonGraphCut in mitkSegmentation. A segmentation class implementing the Skeleton-Cut algorithm.
(8) NEW mitkOrthogonalImageModel in mitkVisualization. Transplanted from the In-Core version of MITK. Enables a orthogonal slice browsing interface.